The Vermont Council of Special Education Administrators has been active in educational leadership across Vermont for over 44 years. The organization has supported Special Education Administrators and other special education leaders, and worked closely and collaboratively with Superintendents, Principals, the Agency of Education, family support organizations and many other state organizations throughout the years. We stay abreast of legislative issues at both the state and federal levels. Our collaboration with our national organization, CASE (Council of Administrators of Special Educators a subdivision of the Council for Exceptional Children), continues to broaden our perspective and inform us on the national level. Our goal is to provide leadership, support, collegiality and mentoring to all those who teach and lead in education and special education in Vermont. We are honored to be a part of a state that invests in all of our children for the future of our state.
2025 New England Interstate Professional Learning Series
Co-Hosted by:
Maine Administrators of Services for Children with Disabilities (MADSEC)
Massachusetts Administrators of Special Education(MASE)
New Hampshire Association of Special Education Administrators (NHASEA)
Association of Rhode Island Administrators of Special Education (ARIASE)
Vermont Council of Special Education Administrators (VCSEA)
When, Why, and How to Provide Paraprofessional Support for Students
Eligible for Special Education Services. (Click on Link)
Who Should Attend? School Leaders serving as LEAs
Dates: February 11th, March 28th and April 8th 9:00am - 11:30am (Virtual).
The Zoom link will be sent following the registration process. Sessions will NOT be recorded.
Presenter: Patrick Mulick, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst who works as an educational consultant and as the Director of Student Engagement for the Auburn School District in Washington State.
VCSEA Members: $150 (total for 3 sessions)
Non-Member Rate: $250 (total for 3 sessions)
Session Topics:
February 11, 2025 - Session 1: Preventing the Harmful Effects of a 1:1 Paraeducator
The role of the paraeducator in public education
Systems for identifying how a 1:1 paraeducator is assigned
The detrimental effects of having a 1:1 paraeducator
Alternatives to assigning a 1:1 paraeducator
Identifying the role of the 1:1 paraeducator
Combating the over-reliance on 1:1 paraeducators by promoting independence
March 28, 2025 - Session 2: Strategies to Promote Independence
Establishing a mindset of promoting independence
Utilizing the prompt hierarchy and the 3 point prompt
Using visual supports to replace the adults
The use of role playing to build skills
Utilizing student interests to maximize success
Using visual supports to help the adults
April 08, 2025 - Session 3: Maintaining Success While Fading Back a 1:1 Paraeducator
Working with families on promoting independence from the beginning
The use of Independence Plans
Supporting the independence mindset with all of the adults
How to respond to a para request in the future
Time for discussion related to questions/requests brought up from the first two sessions
Inspirational ending
Register HERE by February 8, 2025
Thank You to the following Sponsors for their generous support!
ABA Centers - Platinum Sponsor
Achieve - Gold Sponsor
Effective School Solution - Gold Sponsor
CBS Therapy - Silver Sponsor
EDMS - Silver Sponsor
New Leader Academy - 2024-2025
The Vermont Council of Special Education Administrators (VCSEA) is pleased to announce the annual New Leader Academy. The Academy is a year-long professional development program designed to support new and aspiring special education administrators. The Academy uses a cohort model and provides academic and practical instruction in an array of skill and knowledge areas important to success as a special education administrator. The cohort model ensures that participants have the opportunity to share experiences, expertise and support in a collegial format.
Hybrid Model
New Leader Academy will be offered in a hybrid format to accommodate both in-person and virtual learning.
Program Dates
July 23rd and 24th - Full Day (in person) - Vermont Agency of Education Montpelier, VT
Monthly sessions:
Sept 19: 9-12 Virtual
Oct 17: 9-12 in person/virtual Location TBD
Nov 21: 9-12 virtual
Jan 16: 9-12 virtual
Feb 13: 9-12 virtual
March 20 9-12 virtual
April 17: 9-12 virtual
May 15: 9-3 in person - Location TBD
The Academy will be co-facilitated by Carrie Lutz (Colchester Director of Student Support Services) and Jon Berliner (Harwood Unified Union Director of Student Support Services). Academy instructors and presenters will be Vermont educational leaders with extensive expertise and experience in the specific content areas. In addition, the VT Agency of Education collaborates with VCSEA to present and co-facilitate a number of Academy topics.
Registration is open to new and aspiring special education administrators (click below to complete registration). Program enrollment is limited to 20; if space is available, additional registrants will be considered. The fee for participants is $2500.
2024-2025 VCSEA New Leader Academy Registration
Cancellation Policy: VCSEA requires advanced notice for cancellations. Participants who notify us of their withdrawal prior to the start of the July sessions will not be invoiced. Late withdrawals will be invoiced at 50% of the total cost of the Academy. Participants who withdraw after the September session will not receive a refund.
Questions? Please contact:
Carrie Lutz,
Jon Berliner,
Mary Lundeen,
Please see the following COVID-19 resources:
VCSEA Q&A Document from May 1st Special Education in the Era of COVID-19: FAPE & CASE Management training - here
VCSEA Member Shared Resources Document for Distance Learning - here
Please add to or share this document.
Vermont Agency of Education Guidance and Resources - here
Including: Memo: IDEA Requirements for Educational Placement and Amendments to IEPs in the Context of COVID-19. (released 3/27/20)
Resources from the Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) Related to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Considerations for Special Education Administrators
May 1, 2020 Webinar PowerPoint
April 24, 2020 Webinar PowerPoint
April 17, 2020 Webinar PowerPoint
April 3, 2020 Webinar PowerPoint
Click here for Questions and Requests for Flexibility-March 27, 2020
March 20, 2020 Webinar PowerPoint
Resources for Teaching Remotely
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Resources and guidance in the coming days and months will be will be posted to the department’s COVID-19 page.
View departments’ press release.
View the department’s COVID-19 information and resources page.
View the OSERS Q-and-A on providing services to children with disabilities during coronavirus outbreak.
View department’s ESSA and coronavirus guidance.
View the department’s FERPA and coronavirus Q-&A document.
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center resources -
The Vermont Council of Special Education Administrators
PO Box 214
Jericho, VT 05465